Class CILSQLArchivedUserStore

    • Constructor Detail

      • CILSQLArchivedUserStore

        public CILSQLArchivedUserStore​( connectionPool,
                             <ArchivedUser> aup,
    • Method Detail

      • archiveUser

        public archiveUser​( userID)
        Description copied from interface: ArchivedUserStore
        Add a User to the archive. This takes the current user as stored (so save any updates before invoking). Returns the id of the archived user entry.
        Specified by:
        archiveUser in interface ArchivedUserStore
      • getAllByUserId

        public List<ArchivedUser> getAllByUserId​( userId)
        Description copied from interface: ArchivedUserStore
        Get the list of all archived users for a given user (as opposed to archive) id. This always returns a list sorted by archive date.
        Specified by:
        getAllByUserId in interface ArchivedUserStore
      • getLastArchivedUser

        public ArchivedUser getLastArchivedUser​( userid)
        Description copied from interface: ArchivedUserStore
        Convenience method. Return the most recently archived user for this id or a null if there is no such user.
        Specified by:
        getLastArchivedUser in interface ArchivedUserStore
      • getCreationTSField

        public String getCreationTSField()
        Specified by:
        getCreationTSField in class<ArchivedUser>