Class CILFSArchivedUserStore

  • All Implemented Interfaces:<ArchivedUser>, Map<,​ArchivedUser>, ArchivedUserStore

    public class CILFSArchivedUserStore
    implements ArchivedUserStore
    This actually creates and manages a store of old users that are recorded in a specific data structure. The reason is that we must be able to look up old users by their ID, of which there may be many. So we get lists of archived user entries which are are only distinguishable by their archive date.

    Created by Jeff Gaynor
    on 3/9/12 at 11:18 AM

    • Constructor Detail

      • CILFSArchivedUserStore

        public CILFSArchivedUserStore​(File dataPath,
                                      File indexPath,
                                      UserStore userStore,
                            <ArchivedUser> aup,
                                      boolean removeEmptyFiles,
                                      boolean removeFailedFiles)
    • Method Detail

      • archiveUser

        public archiveUser​( userId)
        Description copied from interface: ArchivedUserStore
        Add a User to the archive. This takes the current user as stored (so save any updates before invoking). Returns the id of the archived user entry.
        Specified by:
        archiveUser in interface ArchivedUserStore
      • getAllByUserId

        public List<ArchivedUser> getAllByUserId​( userId)
        Description copied from interface: ArchivedUserStore
        Get the list of all archived users for a given user (as opposed to archive) id. This always returns a list sorted by archive date.
        Specified by:
        getAllByUserId in interface ArchivedUserStore
      • getLastArchivedUser

        public ArchivedUser getLastArchivedUser​( userid)
        Description copied from interface: ArchivedUserStore
        Convenience method. Return the most recently archived user for this id or a null if there is no such user.
        Specified by:
        getLastArchivedUser in interface ArchivedUserStore